“Deep Calls Unto Deep”

Psalm 142:7 [NKJV] says: “Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls. All Your waves and billows have gone over me.”

We might understand this to mean how the knowledge of God resounds from one depth to the other. Christ likened God’s Spirit to water (John 7:37-39; 6:64). I personally experienced this recently when I came across a website put up by an American aerospace engineer and  expert in computer science and neuroscience or brain science. I felt that what he has written about God and the Bible in light of his scientific experience called out to the things I have also written on this my website!

In case you haven’t already encountered him on the internet, he goes by the name “Adon,” and his website is: www.thehighestofthemountains.com.

After having read several of his rather technical-sounding articles I got the distinct impression that, through his scientific expertise, he has been called by God to bring God’s word – His truth – to all nations. In a comment I remarked to him that, by a different route I feel that God has given me a similar calling.

I therefore encourage you, my dear readers, to visit Adon’s website and compare our content. You might be surprised at how similar are our perception and conclusions about God’s purpose and ways! Our eternal God bless you with a good understanding and a life pleasing to Him!


Pedro R. Meléndez, Jr.