Protestants Keeping Roman “Holy Days”

As my previous article discussed [see: Protestants and Sunday Keeping], Protestants have blindly followed the Roman Catholic Church in observing Sunday as their day of worship. In this present article I submit that Protestants have also blindly followed the RCC in observing several of the Roman holydays, festivals, and obligatory celebrations. Notable among these are Palm Sunday, Lent [including Maundy Thursday and Good Friday], Easter, Feast of Ascension, Pentecost, All-Saints Day, and All-Souls Day, Advent [ weeks before  December 25 or Christmas], New Year’s Day, and Feast of the Epiphany (January 6).

J.Michael Feazell and company asserted that now deceased WCG founder and pastor-general Herbert W. Armstrong (HWA) had falsely and wrongly taught that what mainstream Christianity has observed as holy days are unbiblical or unscriptural [see: The De-liberation of the Worldwide Church of God].

I submit that Protestants keep these holy days not because these are commanded in the Bible for Christians to observe, but as commanded by the RCC hierarchy and observed by Roman Catholics. For a history and basis of these RCC holy days, see this link:

One of the arguments posed against observing the holy days and festivals commanded in the Old Testament is that God supposedly meant these to be observed only by the Jews or Israelites. That these were part of the O. T. laws that held them in bondage, but that now Jesus Christ has freed them, and Christians, from that bondage. Instead, Christians are supposed to observe  holy days and festivals honoring Christ.

Rather than repeating myself here, let me just refer you to my past articles covering the subject: Freed From Bondage, Barking Up the Wrong Tree, God’s Feasts in the Book of Acts: Mere Time Markers – or to Be Observed? God’s Feasts and the Jews – Part 1, God’s Feasts and the Jews – Part 2, God’s Feasts and the Jews – Part 3, and Moses and Jesus – Are They Contraries?

In addition, I might refer you to WCG literature that reveals the pagan origins of many of the holy days and festivals of the RCC and Protestants. See:, click ENTER HERE, choose “Books & Booklets,” and scroll down to the booklets titled “Pagan Holidays — or God’s Holy Days — Which?”  “The Plain Truth About Christmas,” “The Plain Truth About Easter,” and “Easter Is Pagan.”

As spring has come upon us, God’s spring festivals will also be observed by faithful members of the Church of God in a few more days. If you are one of these brethren, here’s wishing you all, “Have a wonderful and meaningful Passover, Night to Be Much Observed, and Feast of Unleavened Bread!”


Pedro R. Meléndez, Jr.